In over 11 states and thousands of uses, there are many examples of how CD3 Systems are preventing the spread of invasive species.
An average O&M cost for larger units is ~$1,500 per year per unit. Approximately 85% of this cost is software, and 15% on pump outs and tool replacement. This total does not account for labor to install the hand tools or check in on the station if desired.
CD3 Software informs owners on when and how tools are used, sessions of use, and custom reporting features. Maintenance alerts include when a tool is inactive, view vacuum tank levels, and auto alerts on service needs. While we do our best to automate the system's functionality, nothing beats having occasional eyes checking out the equipment.
Winterization is simple. You pump out the vacuum tank, turn it off, and put on the winter cover.
For more information, please go here.
All CD3 systems are designed to last 10+ years, and there is a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty on all internal operational components - everything besides the exterior tools/hoses. CD3 units are made in Minnesota, and service parts arrive within days of ordering.
Our team has worked hard to ruggedize CD3 Systems with extremely durable components and tamper-proof hardware to dissuade theft and vandalism. There have been very few instances of vandalism to CD3 Systems. To reduce vandalism, we recommend branding the unit’s exterior with your local community slogan, logos, and call to action. If a site poses a particular risk for vandalism or unintended use, we will work with site owners to employ additional measures.
CD3 Systems are a solution that the public finds easy to use and will do so in the future! Researchers interviewed day-boaters who used CD3 Systems. They asked boaters about the ease of using CD3 Systems and if they would use it again. The results:
• 78% described CD3 Systems as "very easy" or "easy" to use
• 82% responded that they are either "very likely" or "likely" to use CD3 Systems again.
Get more information here.
Angler and recreational boater surveys, interviews, and focus groups have shown two main reasons why:
1) Cleaning, Draining, and Drying the boat can be difficult and
2) Boaters lack the tools or equipment to take action
So, boater education and outreach promoting cleaning, draining, and drying, without providing the tools is like asking someone to clean the floor without giving them a broom or vacuum. To overcome this, CD3 Systems empowers boaters to clean, drain, and dry their boats/trailers by giving them the tools to make it easy. Please refer to our Why CD3 one-pager.
Sometimes, at locations where anglers frequently use CD3 Systems and the vacuum tank is not pumped out regularly, light odors will arise when the vacuum is in operation. Odor issues can be reduced through routine emptying of the vacuum tank (30-45 days). Using portable toilet chemicals or dishwasher packers within the holding container can also mitigate odor issues. Please refer to the CD3 Operations and Maintenance overview.
No. CD3 Systems are designed for both on and off-grid systems. The off-grid systems use a solar array and batteries to power the system. Please look at the Products page for more details.
Absolutely! Due to the need for trained, paid staff to operate high-pressure, high-heat decontamination systems, their cost of operation is often prohibitive. In addition, power washing stations aren’t always available to the public. Regardless, best management practices (BMPs) of cleaning, draining, drying, and disposing of bait should always be employed to reduce the risk of spreading invasive species. Therefore, CD3 Systems fills an important niche and drives the adoption of BMPs. Please refer to our Why CD3 one-pager.
“Decontamination” traditionally refers to high-pressure, heated water systems. These systems are largely used for adult zebra mussels encrusted on a watercraft. In this regard, the CD3 system is not a decontamination system. Instead, CD3 Systems provide day boaters with the tools to implement the best management practices of cleaning, draining, drying, and disposing of bait. For more information, please refer to our Why CD3 one-pager.
No, while having an inspector present may increase usage of the system and could help answer questions, the system is intended to be public-operated.
Due to labor shortages putting inspections and decontaminations at risk, CD3 Systems are an excellent alternative to educate the public about AIS and empower watercraft users to “Clean, Drain, Dry, Dispose”
Here is a map of where units are currently located. Please also review the videos of equipment use, and if you have any questions, please contact us!
We provide a free site analysis for potential customers’ placement and model suggestions. We suggest installing a unit within 150 feet of a public access site. For boat launches, please refer to Wildlife Forever’s Access Enhancement Guidebook or the State Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) site design for the Construction and Integration of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Areas at Recreational Boating Facilities.
There are many additional 3rd party research papers published about the equipment. Research by Hennepin County showed that CD3 Systems combined with proper signage reduced AIS violation rates by over 70% without inspectors.
Research from the University of Minnesota showed CD3 Systems can remove all water from livewells and the vast majority from ballast tanks. This is important because spiny water flea eggs, when dry, die within 8 hours! Additionally, zebra mussel veligers in ballast tanks can only live a couple of days. Their mortality rates dramatically increase with more water removed. CD3 Systems tools do just that. For more information, go here.
CD3 Systems track actions taken by the boating public. Owners can download this data to show a return on investment and monitor actions taken by boaters over time. System owners can also use this data to evaluate changes in boaters' behavior due to education/outreach.
Please contact us with any questions or need references.
Yes, CD3 was recognized as a leader in the invasive species field by the North American Invasive Species Management Association, the North American Lake Management Society, and the Reduce Risk from Invasive Species Coalition for their efforts in the private sector to stop the spread of invasive species. CD3 Systems are in 29 states and 4 provinces. Eligible federal and local governments can procure CD3 Systems from our GSA contract.
CD3 Systems are equipped with sound-dampening technology. The decibels of the wet-dry vacuum is about 70 dB, lower for the blower. It is quiet enough that you can still talk to each other in normal voices while standing next to the unit. For reference, an outboard motor starting is about 120 decibels. Also, the wet-dry vac and air blower systems are on a 2-minute auto-turn-off timer. Lights are on for a 10-minute timer, but typically, people turn the lights off in less than that time. Customers have not had any complaints to date about noise. Please contact us if you have any other questions!